Behavior that should be stopped before bedtime Because it may cause sleep problems - Sleep Calculator

Behavior that should be stopped before bedtime Because it may cause sleep problems

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Can not deny that today the problem of sleep Has interfered with the lives of many people, causing an impact on work And health in various areas Today, we want everyone to observe their own behavior, see whether it is “behavior that should be stopped before going to bed” or not.

Playing mobile phone

Of course, today, social media behavior has become a part of our daily lives. But we warn that at the time before going to bed or when we turn off the light, we are going to bed. Do not use these devices again. Because various alerts will interfere with our sleep. Causing us to not be able to sleep Or try to imagine that you have fallen asleep But have to wake up in the middle of the night because of the loud notification sound from the mobile phone So our advice is to stop playing mobile phones before going to bed for about 30 minutes and turn off notifications so that you can sleep without disturbing anything.

Heavy exercise

Exercise is good. But exercising hard before bedtime is definitely not good for the body. Because it will make the heart beat faster The body must work hard. And in an active state When the body enters the resting mode, it will be quite time consuming. The best way is to exercise before the normal sleep time of about 3 hours.

Do not shower before bedtime

When the body is exposed to various pollutants throughout the day And also have sweat stains including germs Well, we should wash the body before bed. To make you feel comfortable And does not make our beds become germs In addition, a warm bath before bed will make you feel relaxed and feel more comfortable. You should choose a bath / warm water at least 1-2 hours before going to bed because the bath is warm and go to bed immediately. May make you unable to sleep Because warm water will help stimulate blood circulation Causing the body to awake until unable to sleep

Watching movies / playing games / reading books

The activities mentioned above Considered a good leisure activity But should choose the content of the movie, book or type of game that is played a bit Because watching movies, reading books or playing games that are too tense May cause you to not sleep well For example, you choose to watch horror movies before bedtime. And you are already a lonely person Of course, within that night, you might be in a state of shock all night. Until causing sleep problems

Drink beverages that contain caffeine after 15.00 hrs.

Whether it is tea, coffee or even cocoa All have caffeine Which is a substance that causes the body to release adrenaline Aroused And increase the efficiency of the brain These drinks are suitable for drinking in the morning. Or afternoon after lunch To make the body feel fresh And can continue to work But if we drink tea, coffee, after the afternoon 3, or drink at close to bed May cause “food” during the night Makes you sleep more difficult And affect your sleep routine

If exploring yourself, find that there is one “Behavior that should be stopped before bedtime” should start to stop those behaviors at an early stage before such behavior will affect long-term sleep. Or if there is still a problem with sleeping May try to consult a medical professional to perform the correct treatment according to the following methods.

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Behavior that should be stopped before bedtime Because it may cause sleep problems

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